Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday January 13, 2008
Back to basics !! - trivia on sunday

Though various scales and calculators are now available online and handy at bedside, but being an intensivist its important to atleast remember few basic formulae. Judge yourself. Ask yourself out of following 5 basic formulae, which one you can recall right.

1. Body Surface Area
2. Systemic Vascular Resistance
3. A-a Gradient
4. Static Compliance
5. Creatinine Clearence


1. BSA = Sqrt of [Wt (kgs) x Ht (cms)/3600]

2. SVR = [(MAP -CVP)/CO] 80 dynes/sec x cm-5 Normal: 900-1200 dynes/sec x cm-5

3. A-a Gradient = [(FiO2 /100) (760 - 47)] - (PaCO2 /0.8) - PaO2
Normal is less than 10 torr
4. Static Compliance = VT/Pplateau - PEEP Normal >60 mL/cm H2O

5. Creatinine Clearence = 140-Age x Weight (Kg)/ 72 xSerum creatinine ( x 0.85 for feamles)

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